Considered the authoritative scholar on St. Augustine history and architecture, Albert Manucy was a St.Augustine native and Ketterlinus High School graduate of 1928.
After earning his Master’s degreefrom the University ofFlorida in 1934, Mr. Manucy began working for the NationalPark Service exploringin detail the Castillo de SanMarcos. Mr. Manucy was among the writers chosen by the Federal Writer’s Project to contribute to Florida’s travel literature publication celebrating Florida’s culture andhistory.
As a Fulbright scholar, he studied Spanish architecture. In 1966 he became curator for the Southeast Regional Office of the Park Service. Mr. Manucy received the Amigos de los Castillos silver medal from the government of Spain, awards from the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation and the Eastern National Park and Monument Association, granted the Order of La Florida by the city of St. Augustine and recognized by the state as a Great Floridian.
His books on architecture and history include The Houses of St. Augustine, 1566-1821, Sixteenth Century St. Augustine: The People and Their Homes, Artillery Through the Ages and many other publications.